Commitment to Community


How Woodgrove Centre invests in our communities:

Every year, Woodgrove Centre provides support for community initiatives that help improve our surrounding communities on Vancouver Island.

We work with our non-profit community groups by providing complimentary space in the mall for temporary displays, and we partner with groups in being the venue host for larger scale events.

We receive many requests yearly related to our community investment initiatives, and we try very hard to accommodate each one, but unfortunately, we cannot support every request. Our decisions are based on our (4) four pillars.


Woodgrove Centre Complimentary Kiosk

Many charitable organizations have set up at Woodgrove Centre to raise money and awareness over the years. Any non-profit charitable groups, organizations or clubs that are a 
registered BC Society or have Charitable Tax status are eligible to apply for the complimentary space.

The location must be used solely for fundraising, information awareness or registration events.

If you represent a charity or non-profit organization and wish to set up at Woodgrove Centre, please send us:

  • Detailed information about your group including Society Number or Charity Number.
  • Objective and or purpose of fundraising event, information display etc..
  • Contact information
  • Dates requested

Please submit your request via the email below:

Woodgrove Centre
102-6631 Island Hwy. N.
Nanaimo, BC   V9T 4T7
Phone: 250.740.3554

Upon approval, your organization will be required to complete:

  • Sign a Temporary Occupancy Agreement (TOA)
  • Submit $2 million liability insurance naming Central Walk Woodgrove Shopping Centre Inc. as additional insured


We thank you in advance for your commitment to Woodgrove Centre and for your interest in having Woodgrove support or sponsor your event. Community investments and givings are focused on non-profit charitable groups, organizations, or clubs that are registered societies or have Charitable tax statuses. They are focused on the following (4) four key areas:

Education & Sports for Young People: projects that promote Athletics, Learning, Literacy and Leadership.

Health & Safety: programs and initiatives that promote the health and safety of our community.

Environment: waste and pollution reduction projects; carbon footprint reduction projects; natural resource conservation projects.

Social Welfare: projects that enhance community quality of life for citizens.

Please forward requests for donations, prizes and/or sponsorships to:

Woodgrove Centre
102-6631 Island Hwy. N.
Nanaimo, BC V9t 4T7

We ask that you allow a minimum of (3) three weeks for processing your request(s).